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Monthly Archives: April 2019

Opportunities, New Friends, Travel & Exams

I’d like to dedicate this post to outline my progress as student at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), the opportunities and programs offered, and finally the comradery of all Erasmus students. At this point in the semester, there are three weeks left of lectures. All students have received their exam time table. Needless to say, studying is quite the priority for many as of now. Following the end of lectures, there is a 3 week break that includes Easter break and reading week. Many of my courses are completed before this break because they are continuous assessment (CA); without final. Therefore, I only have one exam. I decided to utilize one week in order to visit my family in Murcia, Spain. Many students are using the break to either visit family, travel Eastern Europe, or take a break from school. Lectures and tutorials have remained intriguing and have proven successful in broadening my views on not only the criminal justice system (CJS) but society as a whole. Having the ability to contrast the differences and similarities between Canada and Ireland’s CJS has been fascinating. In regards to WIT’s programs offered, there are a vast amount of sport’s teams, clubs, and groups available. Many in which meet within their respective department of study. While living in Riverwalk, I have noticed it is heavily populated by international students. This have given me the opportunity to connect with the vast majority of cultures around the world. The international student group in Riverwalk have a connection with each other. Socializing and being immersed within a cultural diverse community has been one of my favorite aspects of this exchange so far. There are many social outings held by either WIT, the international exchange committee, or the students themselves. As a group, we enjoyed all of what Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland had to offer. Whether that be the parades, miniature carnivals, or renowned pubs. I quite enjoyed the energy that traditional Irish music brought to the city and people. In early April all international students have been invited to a ‘learn to surf’ activity held by WIT. This will take place in the city of Tramore which is not too far from Waterford. Activities and meetings are constantly being arranged and it is always a pleasure to attend them. As of this week up until the completion of lectures and classes, many of the activities and events will be on hold as the priority is to study. Having 100% exams are quite daunting as I have never experienced such a heavily weighted test. However, I am excited to test my educational capabilities while enjoying the benefits of studying abroad. The experience to date has been nothing short of life changing and am surprised with how fast time is progressing. I am looking forward to what WIT and Ireland has to offer in my last portion of schooling here.